Family Meditation Pack


Mindful families who practice meditation together, grow wise, loving, and strong together!

Download this Family Meditation Pack and share in the wonderful journey of meditation together!


Mindful families who practice meditation together, grow wise, loving, and strong together! It is no secret the modern life is busy! Families often have both parents working full time and children involved in after school care or activities. Days can rush by without us noticing that we haven’t really taken any time out as a family to connect and enjoy one another’s company.

Teaching our children how to meditate is perhaps one of the best gifts we can give them. Meditation teaches them how to manage their feelings and responses to the stressors and busyness of everyday life. The current and future generations of children are exposed to so much more than past generations were and are also much more structured in their downtime. If children are able to practice meditation or family mindfulness activities when they feel stressed or overwhelmed, they are equipped to help themselves rather than relying on others.

So how do we get our children to join us in a family meditation? How are we supposed to encourage children who have become so accustomed to having everything immediately, practice patience and stillness? The answer lies in positive role-modeling and making the practice of family meditation fun. If you can pique a little one‘s curiosity in family mindfulness activities they will most likely join in. Getting older children to join in a mantra for family health activity can be much harder, but with persistence, they too will reap the emotional and mental health benefits.

This article by Gail Silver from Lions Roar delves deeply into the benefits of family meditation and the “layers” that need to be present, in order for meditation to become fully integrated into a family’s daily life. She talks about awakening a curiosity to meditation, transforming the curiosity to a sustained practice, and then collaboratively integrating meditation into family life. If you are struggling to cement meditation into your family’s life, have a read!

I am pleased to include in the Family Meditation Pack the following beautiful meditations, mindfulness scripts, and mantras for happiness in our shop:

Singing Bowl Sound Meditation for Children (10mins)

Breathing calm (5mins)

Mindful Breath for Adults (10.06mins)

Mindful Mantra Family Meditation 5+ yrs (13.24mins)

Smiling Family Meditation 5+ yrs (15.09mins)

Good morning Meditation for parent carer and child 5+ yrs (10.21mins)



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