Breastfeeding Energy Boost Meditation


This breastfeeding meditation gently guides you to a place where you can relax and receive an energy boost while feeding your child.

Sample audio available below. Audio Time 6.58 mins



Breastfeeding, whilst a nature intended gift we can give our baby, can also be mentally and physically exhausting on our bodies.

The time a new mother spends breastfeeding or bottle feeding her baby is all-consuming and often around the clock. Prior to getting into a feeding routine, new babies feed on demand, rendering mothers incapable of tending to the other million tasks on her “to-do list”!

The act of breastfeeding your little one the precious nutrients she needs to grow big and strong actually forces new mothers to stop and be in the moment. The time spent nourishing and connecting with your baby can be made even more meaningful and productive through meditation. By creating a simple meditation practice, you will be benefiting both mother and baby.

Meditation while breastfeeding

The challenges of breastfeeding are real and not to be minimised. Many suffer from reduced milk supply, difficulty with baby latching, sore and painful breasts and nipples, sleepless nights, and exhaustion. Stress and anxiety are also often present and can result in a mother feeling hopeless and unsupported.

Stress has been linked to lower milk production but conversely reducing stress has been shown to increase breastmilk production. Listening to music and practicing guided meditations has also been shown to lower stress scores in breastfeeding mothers as well as lowering the stress hormones present in their breast milk.

Meditation has long been found to reduce stress and promote relaxation. When the mother is in a relaxed state sitting or lying down, comfortable and warm, the perfect opportunity for meditation presents itself, as does the opportunity to practice techniques for relaxation, inner peace, and deep connection with baby.

This breastfeeding meditation gently guides you to a place where you can relax, unwind, and receive an energy boost while feeding your child, because you absolutely deserve it! You might also like to try a self-guided meditation whilst breastfeeding, and this can of course be used for any parent whilst bottle feeding also.

Here is a meditation for breastfeeding to help support both mother and child. See our shop for many other guided meditations and mindfulness scripts.



  1. Kim Liebenberg

    I found the breastfeeding meditation useful in re-focusing my mind and connecting me to my beautiful son. It reminded me what a blessing it is to be able to breastfeed and spend such quality and loving time with my child. Thank you.

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