My family and I have been working a lot on Grounding of late. Simple moments of a cuddle with one of my family or a “group hug” as my son calls it, really paying attention in that moment to the feeling of the hug…the texture of their clothes, the pressure of body contact…even for just a few seconds. Feeling the floor beneath with our
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What is this thing Mindfulness? Is it for you and your child? And what does it really mean to practice Mindfulness? It is such an interesting time, with the wave of Mindfulness sweeping over us… with organisations and schools implementing mindfulness programs, with apps, cd’s and the media promoting it… so it might be an opportune time to sit back and let the mindfulness
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A grounded child has a power that shines through in the way they relate to others and in how they navigate all of life’s challenges. A grounded child has a certain balance or inner strength that will become their greatest asset as they grow into their adult self. With anxiety on the rise we need to find ways to support our children in learning
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When you empower your child with the gift of meditation and mindfulness you give them a life skill that has a magnificent ripple effect. It will flow into their own lives in ways that see them becoming more mindful and able to self-regulate. This means they become more aware of what they are doing, how they are reacting, and that they have a choice. It
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It’s been such a long time since I posted here. I haven’t forgotten you, like with you I am sure, life is full raising children and having a life (or not! hehe). Family life can be so chaotic and in the blink of an eye as “they” say, your kids are all grown up and left home! It became very real to me as my
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“A family that plays together stays together”. This saying often comes to my mind as it has such truth and power behind it! It’s tough at times however, to want to spend every single second with your child, they can be so demanding and exhausting! And having to add another thing to the list of ‘must do’s with my child so that they grow up
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I recently recorded a new meditation, supporting a child suffering from Pain and Discomfort. It’s available on the Shop page and I promised a follow up Blog, so here it is! My journey with our children saw us spend many months in hospital, due to them both being born prematurely, 1 year apart. Part of this journey was an incredible insight into the lives of families
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A theme has come up of late with my children and their school friends, and to be honest it’s starting to do my head in! Yep, my head literally feels like it’s done for if I hear another child complain about the most microscopic cut they got on there little toe… seriously, do they not know about children starving in Africa!!! Of course they do and even
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I’ve been in a creative place, with lots of ideas bubbling away and the result so far is, Three New Meditations for sale on the Shop Page! Again, these meditations have been tried and tested and I’m really pleased with the outcome. The first, Breathing with Teddy was inspired by a Breathing Technique called the Point of Stillness from Peace of Mind by Dr
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Have you seen these? Wow, they are awesome! Calm Down / Mind / Sparkle / Glitter Meditation Jars! I came across these on the net and was instantly attracted to them, yes I love shiny sparkly things! And they are really simple to make. You can use glass jam jars (or similar) or plastic bottles (reduce, reuse, recycle!) and simply fill them with
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