The Brave You Inside Meditation


A meditation to support during those times when your child is going through change, feeling stress, is worried or anxious.

Sample audio available below. Audio time 11.58mins



You are brave. This is something we often tell our children when they are worried about something or hesitant to do something. Similarly, when they achieve or overcome adversity we say – you are brave.

So what does it really mean to be brave? Being brave is defined as “the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty”. With respect to our children, who come up against fear, uncertainty, and change almost on a daily basis as they grow, being brave can be seen as the first step in mastering their emotions. For to be brave, is to feel frightened but choosing to overcome the fear.

Our children have to absorb so much, adapt, change, move, and learn. All these things can be extremely overwhelming at times. For the small child that has to overcome the fear of being taken to child care for the first time, or the young child experiencing nightmares; these situations cause our little ones to be frightened, but they can also bring out courage. When children are safe and secure and trust themselves and their carers, they are often able to reach deep inside and overcome the fear. Each situation where they ask this of themselves increases their resilience, their bravery, and the mastery over their own emotions.

So here is a meditation to support your child with tapping into that inherent resilient, brave, and beautiful part of themselves. To be able to say to your little one you are brave, will boost their trust in themselves, and reaffirm that they are capable, courageous, and most of all brave!

If you enjoy this meditation, please feel free to browse our shop. We have many more guided meditations, mindfulness scripts, and mantras for children and adults.



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