Meditation for Emotional Regulation – Emotional Support Pack


Meditation for emotional regulation can help support your child in navigating the inevitable ups and downs of life.

I hope you enjoy our emotional support pack!


Meditation for emotional regulation – what does this even mean? We all know that young children often find it difficult to regulate their emotions. For the most part, they want what they want, and if someone or something stands in the way of them getting what they want, their emotions can spill over into a tantrum. Growing up can be tough!  As they grow and mature they will learn through guidance and modeling the importance of regulating their emotions so that their responses are within acceptable limits.

Meditation and mindfulness can help support your child in navigating the inevitable ups and downs of life. How does meditation for emotional regulation work? Once a child is shown the practice of meditation and mindfulness, they become skilled at finding their inner calm. They also become better at letting upsetting emotions pass through their awareness without reacting to them. It is the process of not paying attention to negative stimuli that allow the child to detach from what may upset him and remain calm by focusing on positive stimuli.

With each development stage, your child passes through, will come many wins as well as inevitable losses. Through the practice of meditation for emotional regulation, your child will be better supported and equipped to manage the losses and the lows. With these skills come increased self-confidence and resilience that continues to grow. Here are some tried, tested, and much loved meditations.

Grounding and Supporting Emotions with the Breath (17.30mins)

Gratitude Meditation for Children (10.21mins)

Singing Bowl Sound Meditation for Children (10mins)

Self Compassion and Kindness Meditation (15.37mins)

Brave as a Lion Meditation (10.10mins)

Breathing Calm (5mins)

The Brave You Inside Meditation for Primary School (11.58)

If you have enjoyed these meditations, hop on over to our shop where we have a number of guided meditations, mindfulness and relaxation scripts, and mantras.




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