The World for you is Still the Same – Transition Time for Older Primary Children


A rite of passage meditation to support a child during this time of change Audio Time 17.30mins

Sample audio available below.


The primary school to high school transition is such an important time of change and adaptation for a young person. Leaving the familiar and comfortable cocoon of primary school for the often larger, unfamiliar high school is often a time of heightened anxiety, overwhelm, and insecurity.

During this primary school to high school transition, our children go through enormous changes physically, emotionally, and socially. Puberty is known to have already begun for some in the late primary school years or is not far from beginning for others. The emotional changes in puberty vary from person to person but commonly include mood swings, difficulty making decisions or making poor decisions, being overly sensitive personally or insensitive to others, wanting to spend more time alone and with friends in preference to family, taking risks and pushing boundaries to secure more independence. All of these emotional changes during puberty contribute to the turbulent state that is adolescence!

The physical changes occurring in a young person’s body in preparation for puberty can on their own be a lot to handle!

Then to add more fuel to the fire there are the social changes that occur during puberty! The upheavals of one friend going to one school and other friends going off in another direction, resulting in the once stable and dependable friendship circle becoming highly changeable and unpredictable. Some kids cope with this better than others. It highlights the importance of encouraging your young person to widen their friendship circle outside of school so that when the transition from primary school to high school happens, they still have a consistent group of friends either locally or through sports or recreational interests. Social changes during puberty are par for the course, as young people look within to find out who they are and where they fit within their social network.

In this Rite of Passage meditation, we create a place that will stay the same for them, a safe haven, a place that they design and be the master of. Included in this beautiful meditation is the amazing backing music of Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

Check out our many other meditations appropriate for both lower and upper primary school children in our shop.




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